List of marathi Song Lyrics of Sant Namdev

Here you will find the list of marathi song lyrics by lyricst Sant Namdev. Click on any song title to browse the song lyric of Sant Namdev

Amrutahun God Naam Tujhe Deh Javo Athava Raho Majhe Jagane Hote Gaane
Manase Geli Tarihi Mann Majhe Chapal Mi Mukt Kalandar
Namacha Gajar Garje Omkar Anaadi Pandhari Nivasa Sakhya
Pandharicha Vaas Rupe ShyamSundar Nilotpal Sandhiprakashat
Tav Nayanache Tirtha Vitthal Kshetra Vitthal Vitthal Aavadi Prembhavo

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representative of banaras and farukhabad gharana.
regularly featured artist at both national and international levels.
has played with stalwarts of indian music and with other styles too.

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