List of hindi Song Lyrics of Vishal Dadlani

Here you will find the list of hindi song lyrics by lyricst Vishal Dadlani. Click on any song title to browse the song lyric of Vishal Dadlani

Bbuddah Hoga Terra Baap-Title Song Bin Tere Bin Tere – Reprise
Criminal Golmaal Golmaal Everything Golmaal Remix
Hairat I Feel Good Jiya Mora Ghabraaye
Knock Out Kuch Kam Roshan Kyu Aage Peeche Dolte Ho Bhavro Ki Tarah
Maula Muuh Na Modna Raftaarein Sheila Ki Jawani
Sheila Ki Jawani (Remix)

Featured Artist

Featured Artist

New Age Singer

Awards in Singing,Groups nd Solo
Performed In Film & Association Awards 2007

Registered Users

Featured Album