Lyrics Of Marathi Movie/album Juna Te Sona

Here you will find the list of song lyrics from marathi movie JUNA TE SONA. Click on the song title below to browse the song lyric of the songs from JUNA TE SONA

Allad Maazi Prit Tila Na Reet Jagachi Thaave Allad Mazi Preet Paanyat Paahati Ka Majhe Malach Dole
Priti Priti Saare Priti Priti Saare Mhanati Priti Mhanaje Kay Pritichya Poojes Jaata
Taaibai, Taaibai Ga Taibai Taibai Ga Ata Honar Lagin Tumach

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Featured Artist

Tabla Player

representative of banaras and farukhabad gharana.
regularly featured artist at both national and international levels.
has played with stalwarts of indian music and with other styles too.

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