Lyric of Hindi song Jai Ganesh Jai Ganesh

Song Heading Singer Music By Director Name Movie / Album Actor Categories
Jai Ganesh Jai Ganesh Unknown -- -- Aarti And Bhajan -- --

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Jai Gañesh Jai Gañesh Jai Gañesh Devã
Mãtã Jãki Pãrvati Pitã Mahãdevã

Ek dant deyãvant chãr bhujãdãri
Mãthe par tilak sohe moos ki sawãri
Pãn chaðhe phool chaðhe aur chaðhe mevã
Laððuon kã bhog lage sant karen sewã, Jai Gañesh...

Andhe ko ãnkh det koðhin ko kãyã
Bhãnjhan ko putra det nirdhan ko mãyã
Soor shãm sharañ ãye saphal keeje sewã
Mãtã Jãki Pãrvati Pitã Mahãdevã, Jai Gañesh...

Other Songs from this Movie / Album - Aarti And Bhajan

Movies or Album

Film cast: --
Singers: Unknown
Lyricists: --
Film Director: --
Music Director: --
External Links: --

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