Lyric of Bengali song Hayre Sriti Boro Jalamoy

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Hayre Sriti Boro Jalamoy Runa Laila -- -- Runa Laila -- --

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hayre sriti boro jalamoy
baare baare mone hoy
jaere iti hoye gitimoy
bhalobashar porichoy
hayre ||

shei sriti bhebe ashe je 
othoi jol duchokhe
buk chire othe je bethar dhol oloke
dhuke dhuke kori tobu
bhalo thakar obhinoy ||

ei mon theke parinato 
tomar naam shoraate
drishtike parina kichutei firaate
fire fire bohudure 
haraate chaae e ridoy ||

Movies or Album

Film cast: --
Singers: Runa Laila
Lyricists: --
Film Director: --
Music Director: --
External Links: --

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Raghavendra Shanbhag

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